So tonight I was doing some work in the office, fired up iTunes and noticed five minutes later that it was still downloading “stuff”. Usually iTunes takes only a few minutes to get caught up on my podcast subscriptions (even when I’ve been on the road for a week), so this caught my attention.
Low and behold, what do I see being downloaded…the entire archive of LensWork Podcasts on Photography and the Creative Process! I know Brooks Jensen has been working on getting the entire archive online for a while now. Thank you for making it available!
If you aren’t familiar with this podcast, I highly suggest that you check them out. Brooks Jensen has a wonderful eye and mind for photography. Even though his focus tends to be on fine art photography, many of the topics he discusses can be extended well beyond that. The episodes in this podcast average about 3 minutes in length, so they are perfect for helping you “think about photography everyday” (one of my favorite quotes from Jensen that will eventually make it into the FocalPower Random Quote widget database).
LensWork has recently launched a second podcast series as well. LensWork Vision of the Heart podcast series does a deeper exploration of the photography that is showcased within LensWork. These podcasts average about 15 minutes in length as they discuss specific photographer’s work in greater detail. This is a great way to increase your critical eye for photography. Of course, being photography, it helps if you have the images in front of you…
Which is why I also recommend checking out LensWork magazine at your local bookstore. This photography magazine is the only one that I subscribe to as it is about photography and not advertising. I keep the last few issues proudly displayed on my coffee table (and the rest carefully protected as collectibles).
Thanks for all your continued efforts Brook! Keep up the great work!