News: Amazon Buys

A friend just told me about the TechCrunch report earlier today on Amazon Acquiring (Also see the official dpreview announcement as well as the official Amazon announcement — not surprising they are the same press release.)

The releases don’t disclose the terms of the deal. However, they do comment that will be run as a separate entity and the acquisition will allow them to focus on expanding their offerings.

I find this interesting from what appears to be a consolidation in the digital photography space. This acquisition makes perfect sense for anyone who is looking to expand their reach into a targeted vertical market (digital photography). And with the digital photography market being such a growing market (Lyra predicts that there will be 130M digital cameras by 2010), this is a segment that is hard for a large company to ignore. With Amazon selling so many items that are “drag alongs” to the digital camera, this is a smart move.

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