The other night we ended our run of gorgeous weather here in San Francisco. Most people are familiar with the Mark Twain quote of “my coldest winter was a summer in San Francisco”. The Bay Area is unique due to the terrain and micro-climats. Summer in San Francisco is typically foggy and cool due to higher temperatures and dry conditions just to the west of the city pulling in moisture off the ocean. This is where the fog comes from.
A few times each summer we will get lucky with an in land high pressure that creates an “off shore flow”, meaning the air flows from the warmer inland areas to the coast. This gives warmer temperatures in the 70’s to the city (sometimes even all night long…some of my fondest memories are of evening drives in my TT Roadster though the city during an evening like that). Earlier this week, that is what we had. Tuesday the was the last day of it and Tuesday evening the fog started to creep back in under the Golden Gate and over Alcatraz, yet the city was fog free. I grabbed this shot on Tuesday evening and love how the lights from Alcatraz are glowing through the fog.
(A big thank you to Thomas Hawk for showing me the location from where I grabbed this shot.)