End of the quarter is well passed us, which means I’m late on my quarterly thank you to all those who have liked my work enough to send visitors my way…
(Rankings from last quarter, if any, appear in parentheses after each site)
latoga’s Motion Blur Referring Sites
- photographyvoter.com (9)
- yyapp.com (3)
- blogger.com (1)
- photo.meetup.com (5)
- latoga.com (2)
- google.com (10)
- grafphoto.com (4)
- imaginginsider.com
- images.google.com (14)
- jmg-galleries.com (8)
- dgrin.com (12)
- digg.com
- thomashawk.com (11)
- fotograficzny.blogspot.com
- macroartinnature.blogspot.com (7)
- technorati.com (18)
- stoneangelarts.blogspot.com (16)
- blog.focalpower.com
- johnwmacdonald.com (13)
- neil.creek.name
latoga Photography Referring Sites
- latogaphoto.blogspot.com (1)
- smugmug.com (2)
- dgrin.com (6)
- comeacross.info
- linkedin.com (8)
- photo.meetup.com (5)
- shots.snap.com
- google.com (4)
- haloscan.com
- ibiblio.org
- jonq.com
- georgebarr.blogspot.com
- images.google.com
- latoga.blogspot.com
- photo.net (9)
- search.mywebsearch.com
- yyapp.com
- agentachieve.com (14)
- facebook.com (19)
- grafphoto.com (12)
Note: These stats were collected by Google Analytics for my two sites. Any referral sites that are obvious web based email services or IP addresses were removed.
Side Blur: It’s interesting to see how traffic flows around the internet. A comment posted to another photographer’s blog can generate traffic for months after the posting. The one surprise to me personally is how much traffic was generated from Facebook…I have a token page up there and don’t focus at all on building my network on Facebook and yet traffic comes my way from there. It is also interesting how photos on my blog will receive much more “viewing” than photos on my photo website…one of the premises behind my developing FocalPower’s widget based photo hosting…