Newest Long Term Project

“Your focus determines your reality”

This is the top quote I have in a small frame sitting on my desk.  Something I look at multiple times through out the day.  As you can tell, my focus for the past few months has not been on posting many blog entries.  Life outside of photography has gotten very busy and caused my attention to be focused elsewhere.  I’ve been busy preparing for the start of a new long term project:

Baby Q

Baby Q

My wife and I are excited about our first born, Baby Q (for question mark), due in September.  Since I know later this year will be very busy for me on the day job front, I have been busy finishing the last few on-going projects around the house as well as the big move…moving my home office out of the future nursery.  Today was moving day and I’m ecstatic with how clean my (new) office looks…mostly because I left most of the junk in the old office still. 🙂

Baby Q not only launches my wife and I into the category of parents, but also into the sandwich generation (taking care of a younger and older generation in the same house).  Time will tell what all this means with regards to photography, but I wanted to share the news with all my readers so they would know why the long spell of relative photographic silence.

12 Replies to “Newest Long Term Project”

  1. WELL! Congratulations Greg! Just remember this: You blink and you’re teaching them how to drive. It seems to happen that quickly. I just sent my first off to college and it seems like she was born just last week.

    Good luck with the projects now that you got the chicken bones and beer cans out of the walls. :o)



    latoga Reply:

    @Dave Convery, Thanks. And I though time was moving quickly before…


  2. congratulations! Great news! It does go quickly, but I seriously don’t expect your photography skills to languish, you’ll get really good at taking pictures of your latest edition!



    latoga Reply:

    @Theron Conrey, I’m sure the photography skills won’t languish…just know that my focus of subjects will change. Make sure you don’t let me go to overboard with the just baby pics!


  3. I’ve known about this for months, but never congratulated you formally! Remember, don’t let them out of the cage until they learn to pee on the newspaper.


    latoga Reply:

    Thanks Jon! If only it was that simple…


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