Fog Shrouded Bay Bridge
While having dinner on Friday, a friend mentioned to me about this huge photography collection/museum that he read about recently. A huge warehouse in San Francisco that was supposed to house thousands of photographs and, while not a official museum, be open to the public. At first I thought he was joking, but after a quick search I found the San Francisco Chronicle article about a vast photo collection shown in S.F. warehouse. That warehouse is Pier 24, located right under the Bay Bridge.
While the official public details about Pier 24 are still en route, the Chronicle article gives the back story on the collection and Pier 24. Coincidentally, I was walking along the Embarcadero past Pier 24 about 2 weeks ago and notice the corner window of the building, featured on their website cover photo. There were a few people standing in the window and it looked like a developed space from what I could glimpse from the street. But the rest of the building looked less that publicly inviting.
I’m hoping to find out more and possible visit in the near future; at which point I share more details from first hand experience. But if you’re from the Bay Area or a photographer visiting San Francisco, check into Pier 24.