Hole in Reality (14 of 366)

Hole in Reality

2016 Photo a Day, 14 of 366: Hole in Reality

I’ve watch the building at 680 Folsom Street in San Francisco undergo it’s renovation over the past four years as I’ve drove out of downtown.  My usual route to get onto the Bay Bridge takes me right past this building.  Last night I meet a friend nearby and was able to create this image from part of the building.  I wonder if the usual occupants of this conference room realize that just a few years ago there were cars parked where they are sitting?  The garage was repurposed into part of the occupied space for the building and that two story part of the complex has the wonderful abstract facade you see above surrounding it.

2 Replies to “Hole in Reality (14 of 366)”

  1. This is a really interesting photograph Greg, if not a bit puzzling. I can’t quite get my head around what this building actually may look like, and I think I want to keep it that way.


    latoga Reply:

    Yeah Mark, that’s what I liked about the tight composition of that photograph. Don’t click on the link in the body of the post if you want to keep the mystery…there are pictures of the whole building on the other side of the link. 🙂


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