Today I was flying across across the Midwest for a business meeting on Monday in Minneapolis. About 5:15 CST I happened to look out the window and saw the most amazing shades of pink (eventually fading to purple) from the sun setting on the tops of the cloud layer below us. It was like looking out at a sea of pink foam extending all the way to the horizon–which was a band of dark blue from the oncoming night. Over time the horizon fading into the uniform gray of the storm we were flying into.
It was one of those moments where for a split second I wished I had a camera. But a second later realized that I doubt the feeling would be able to be capture appropriately through the cloudy emergency exit row window. (That and I doubt the guy sitting between me and the window would have understood me leaning over him to take a picture…). There was also the changes over time that would have been challenging to portray. Still, the photographer in me longed for my camera…
This got me to thinking…are there any photographer pilots out? The best view of this scene would have been from the cockpit of the airplane. So I was wondering if any pilots have collections of photos of moments like these or others that are unique to their time in the air. That is assuming that it is not against some FAA rule to “take pictures from the cockpit”. I, as a frequent passenger, would hate to think that a pilot would shirk his greater responsibility for a photo. (Granted, we all make sacrifices for our art, but this might go above and beyond the call of artistic duty…)
A quick Google and search didn’t reveal any pilot photographers with collections of captured moments like these (this was the closest I could find from a quick search). But, I know your out there…So Photographer Pilots… speak up!
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