CNET is reporting that Adobe will offer an online version of Photoshop. This is an interesting but not altogether surprising addition to the current herd of online photo editing offerings that already exist. This version of Photoshop will be a basic feature version that will be offered free and supported by ad revenue. The other online photo editing services available include: Fauxto, Picnik, Pixenate, SnipShot, XMG Image (and probably a few that I don’t know of…)
Side Blur
Webware links to their reviews of these photo editing sites from their posting about Adobe Photoshop Online. Photojojo also has an interesting posting about why they think Picnik is the best online photo editor.
I have been meaning to check out all the services on this list, but just have not had the time as of late. So a big thank you to the Webware and Photojojo folks for sharing their thoughts!
But I still keep asking myself “why would I need an online photo editor?”. I can’t see them ever replacing the photo editing tools I have on my laptop (I don’t think I could live without the new Lightroom or the full version of Photoshop). But I can see it being valuable to do some quick edits as part of an online photo sharing service, but for me that is even a stretch.
I always have my digital darkroom with me. And I have a very regimented work flow (something I’m writing up for a future posting as well) that lives between shutter and web. I can’t see too many times where I would use an online editor.
I always try to keep an open mind, so I guess time will tell….