Holly Cow! It’s been over a year. A year since my wife and I were in Italy and I still don’t have most of those photos processed. Well, I’m working on it, currently half way through my Milan images.
The above photo was taken late at night while trying to find our way back to our hotel. We were wondering around a section of Milan where there were a lot of high end shops, and this interesting store front was lite up with neon and black lights (notice the candle sticks). How could I resist?
We eventually found our way back to our hotel with the help of a train station attendant. We didn’t really speak Italian (my wife speaks Spanish, but that only took us so far…), he didn’t really speak English. Luckily “Duomo” was all the Italian we needed…
This is a really wild image Greg. Well done. Tricky exposure?
Actually, the exposure on this wasn’t tricky at all. That’s the nice thing about neon, you’ll always get the bright colors and the darks can always be boosted in post-production.
If I remember correctly, I just had the camera on P Mode (Canon) and was doing 1/2 stop bracketing. This was taken on my honeymoon trip–even though we had been married for 2 years at this point, still didn’t want to force my wife to wait for my photography–and was a grab and go shot while walking down the street one night. I was bracketing the entire trip in hopes that most photos would have one of the three be usable back at home. With a 60 Gig external storage tank, I didn’t have to worry about space (left the laptop at home).
The wall of blue in the background helped as well, lots of even light to help create the shadows. I didn’t have to do much post production on this one.