Rincon Disappearing Act

The other morning my wife and I were driving into the city and the bay was socked in with fog. I was lucky enough to be passenger that day (actually, I asked her to drive anticipating this situation) and had my camera gear with me. I was able to nab a few great shots of the fog that morning, including this one of One Rincon Hill, the new skyscaper that has been under construction right next to Highway 101 as you enter the city.

Image living on the top floors on a day like this; you wake up, open up your curtains only to see nothing. How eerie would that be?

Side Blur: I found this great website called SkyscaperPage that tracks new skyscrapers that are being build around the globe. Check out the page for San Francisco to see all our new skyscapers either built, being built, or coming soon.

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