A few days back I posted about a Mystery Kitchen Item that I did some product shots of. I know a few of you have been anxiously waiting for the answer. I appologize for keeping you twisting in your seats a bit longer than I expected, that darn not done yet list got way out of control lately.
The Kitchen Items in question are Clingoffs. All Star Trek jokes aside, the Clingoffs are a handy little device to keep papertowels or platic wrap off your food as you reheat it in the Microwave or store it in the refridgerator. You simple stand the Clingoff in your food (it made with food safe plastic) and then wrap the bowl containing the food and Clingoff. The Clingoff keeps the wrap off your food.
If you have ever cursed the mess left on your plastic wrap or aluminum foil by your leftovers, get yourself a set of Clingoffs.