I’m trying to wrap up my year end analyzing before the new year officially starts to swing into high gear tomorrow. One aspect of that analysis is to look at what blog postings that were written last year were viewed the most (to both understand my traffic better as well as what readers found most interesting).
In that sense, here are my top 10 posts from 2008 (and some end of year commentary):
- Tired of Photographer’s Brand Coming Second
Some very interesting comments on this one. I specifically found Mark’s comments interesting considering this is exactly what happened during Photoshelter’s failure. - Zeppelin Arrives in Bay Area – Photogs Get Ready
It will be interesting to see if Airship Ventures can stay flying given our current economic conditions… - 6 Disk ReadyNAS Pro Announced
- Good Bye Wacom Tablet
- Thoughts on Canon 5D Mark II
Interesting how the previous three were all essentially technology based postings. Even spread out too between capture, post processing, and archiving - Into Oblivion
Ah, glad to see that at least some of my photography was found interesting… - Indiana Jones and the Liebovitz Photo Shoot
- Winter Abstracts
This also included my 10 Favorite Photos from 2007 - Quicker Lightroom Slideshow
- Starlight Redwoods
Who needs video capabilities built into your DSLR when you have a tripod, a locking cable release, a large memory card, and a bunch of firewood to burn! 🙂
I find it interesting that in general posts about the technology side of photography get more traffic than the photography itself. Doubly interesting when you keep seeing more and more posts talking about this very aspect (like Guy Tal’s post It’s the Subjectives, Stupid that I came across only earlier today). And yet we all keep talking about the technology…chicken and egg syndrom…or something more? Makes me wonder if we are in the middle of a Photography Bubble which will burst when people’s interests in the technology of photography fades and they just drop photography all together becuase their interests in the artistic side never developed….
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