My wife and I are happy to announce the arrival of Caitlin to our family!
Mom and Caitin are both doing well and been home for quite a while now, big Brother Matthew is still adjusting to the new reality that he’s no longer the center of the family universe… 😉
With all the near real time social media capabilities today, this announcement is probably not new news to the majority of you reading this post. The collage above is the front of the official birth announcement with photos that I took about 24 hours after she was born.
This got me to wonder what is official today anyway? When I was born the official birth announcement was in the local paper with family and friends getting a phone call prior. Now most of the family got emails with pictures just a few hours after she was born and her birth was announced shortly later via social media sites. It’s still nice to have a post card announcement just in case Facebook disappears and all our social history is lost. So for close family and friends, look for a card in about a week…
Oh, and here is the view of Dad that Caitlin had on her second day in the family…get used to it honey!