A few weeks ago (on my birthday of all things!) we finished the herculean task of cleaning out of our garage. It has been over 3 years since my wife and I moved into our new house, and part of the garage had become the unofficial dumping ground for “stuff”. I’m typically a bit of a neat freak (though you might not know it at times based upon my desk) and the garage finally pushed me over the edge. During the cleaning frenzy, I found a long lost friend…my mountain bike.
It had been over four years since I had last gone for a serious ride. The hectic pace of life, projects, and work since we moved into our new house had kept my bike firmly stuck in the “stuff” pile. Well, upon finding the bike again, I took it into my local bicycle shop for a tune up and went out for a nice stretch of the legs ride on Friday. And the joy of riding came flooding back!
“What does this have to do with photography”, is probably what your asking yourself right about now. Maybe nothing…maybe something. Just like the time away from the bike made that ride on Friday so joyful, so does the past week of not posting anything to the blog, make this post so refreshing. It’s not that there hasn’t been anything to post about–I have actually had a number of Firefox windows open for almost a week now to websites that I wanted to reference in a post–I just haven’t been posting. Guess my blogging muse was on break.
Just felt I owed everyone a explanation…even if it is a pretty weak one…for my absence.
I understand what you mean with that feeling when you jump back into something after an absence.
In the past few months I’ve been spending more time writing about photography than actually taking photos. I’ve started to carry my camera with me on a daily basis again and the love I have for taking photos just comes flooding back on a daily basis.
It’s a great feeling to be back in the saddle.
Great Point Andrew. I’m just as guilty of not spending as much time taking photos as I do writing or reading about photos (how twisted is that?). It was great this past weekend to take a portrait class and get to learn, practice, and discuss photography in person with other photographers. Today it’s a novel concept that I highly recommend trying. 🙂
(Oh, and expect some photos soon…)
Happy Birthday Greg. Funny how we live parallel lives. Just getting over a birthday myself and I’ve also been putting the finishing touches on clearing out the garage.
Rediscovering old things and activities helps breath new life into you. It also helps inspire and bring new ideas into your minds eye. I hope the ride got your creative juices flowing.