A winter abstracts that was taken last year during a visit to Cornell University. My wife was the one who noticed the patterns that the ice ladened branches made when viewed in front of a street lamp.
Updated 1/14: Due to my travel schedule, I didn’t have time to create a new post and make the cut off date for Jim Goldstein’s My Favorite Photos From 2007 list, but I wanted to update my submission post to share a few more of my wife’s favorite photos of mine from the past year (she’s always had the better judgment anyway)…click through for more details.
Aside: Thanks Jim for coordinating this project! It’s not until you do something like this that you really get a sense of how much photography you did in a year. My New Year’s Resolution revolves around the fact that there was more shooting that I did, but I never got around to the post production work to publish them online…this year my goal is to minimize the delays between shooting and publication. (and maybe catch up on the backlog?)
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