Photo: Boston Across the Harbor

Keeping with my main photographic New Year’s resolution, here is a night time skyline shot of Boston that I captured earlier in January. My resolution is focused on getting my personal photography projects processed and released as soon as possible after the shoot. This photo was taken on January 10th, so I’m not doing too bad.

Especially considering that I was part of an “economic right sizing” at my old company and have been busy looking for new sources of income over the past 3 weeks! Not to worry, in the grand scheme of things, this was a good thing! My photography business can not yet “support my wife in the fashion she has become accustomed” (her words…really…), so I have been focusing on doing some consulting in the areas of my non-photographic professional life. (You can visit latoga labs for more details if your interested).

Of course, what did I do immediately after I was RIF’d from my old company? Go shooting of course! So please remember, you can also buy art prints of almost every photo posted here, just click through the photo and look for the shopping cart… And my schedule is much more open to photography assignments as well! (shameless plugs, I know…)

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