Before jumping in the car for my Pacific Northwest road trip I spent Friday with about 700 other photographers learning Location Lighting Techniques from Joe McNally. McNally is the author of the popular Hot Shoe Diaries, where he walks thru various location lighting situations and describes the challenges he faced in each situation and how he solved these challenges in order to make an amazing photo. The seminar was like having the book come alive on stage in front of you.
Over the course of 7 hours Joe worked through dozens of live photography lighting situations right in front of you. He took the time to explain what he was doing and why, what was running through his head, and what his 30 years of experience has taught him. He also took as many questions from the crowd as possible and was even able to get the entire croud laughing, multiple times, with his easy going nature and humor.
Short of becoming Joe’s assistant, this seminar gives you the chance to learn lighting from one of the best. I highly recommend taking this course if you can. Even if you don’t do a lot of strobe work, you will learn a few tid bits of knowledge and get to experience what else is possible.
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