It’s been quiet around the digital homesteads recently as all my focus for the past week has been on the physical homestead. Matthew (aka Baby Mini-G) was welcomed into our family recently and my wife and I have been busy adjusting to life as parents and members of the sandwich generation. I’ve also been quickly adjusting to the new photographic genre of baby photography…and loving every minute of it!
I also never thought I would become one of those video obsessed dads video taping my children…but I sorta have. My video and still camera of choice lately has been my iPhone 4. All the initial photos of Matthew were taken with the iPhone, processed (if needed) on the iPhone, and uploaded directly to a private SmugMug gallery I created to share photos of Matthew with family and close friends. The kicker is how easy it was to record a video and share it by uploading it straight to SmugMug with their iPhone app SmugShot. So, I’ve become that dad in order to share these fleeting moments with distant family. I’m also using the big camera as well, the above photo was taken with my 5Dm2, not the iPhone.
My wife and I are now getting more sleep and getting used to the new routines. I’m hoping that I can get some photo processing done in the next week and a half I have officially taken off. And while I may occasionally post a Matthew photo or two here on the blog, it’s not going to consume the site…I hope! 🙂
BTW: If you’re interested in signing up for a SmugMug account, you can use my discount referral code of rlwhGGBRyRWI6 in the signup coupon field to save yourself $5. I’ve had the chance to meet both Don and Chris MacAskill (the founders) and a number of SmugMug team members; they’re a great group of people and they’ve built a great photo sharing service that I have used for over 3 years and they rock as a video sharing service as well!
Congrats Greg! Capture every moment. Because you blink and you will find yourself teaching him to drive and sending him off to college. It happened to me.
Absolutely Gorgeous! And yes, record – in any form – anything and everything. It is true. They grow-up, and but quick! Congrats to you both!!!!
Congratulations Greg and Jennifer!!! Mathew is a very good looking baby, good genes! Greg, you should add portrait photography to your resume. Like everyone tells you, enjoy each moment, they go fast.
Best Wishes to Whole family!!!! Bryan